The Arts and Becoming Transdisciplinary Literate

led by: Dr. Enrique A. Puig

Proficient learners are transdisciplinary literate. The role of the arts, language arts, sciences, social sciences, and mathematics are infused into our everyday lives. In this interactive session, participant will explore transdisciplinary literacy learning as a process to enhance learning and leading. Through explicit illustrations and conversations, participants will engage at the intersection of the arts and convergence education. Specific conditions for learning to engage students will be addressed. Additionally, the role of the Florida B.E.S.T Standards will be shared as they apply to becoming transdisciplinary literate and the critical role of the arts.


Director, Morgridge International Reading Center, University of Central Florida

A FAAE past-president, arts advocate, and over 40 years of experience in education, Enrique has presented nationally and internationally on transdisciplinary literacy. He has K-12 teaching experience along with teaching undergraduate and graduate course at UCF. His latest publication is Teaching K-12 Transdisciplinary Literacy: A Comprehensive Instructional Framework for Learning and Leading (2022) Routledge/Taylor & Francis.