Finding YourSELF inside of Your Program
led by: Kathryn Austin
As a teacher in the arts, it can be difficult to separate who you are from what you teach. We learned as artists to put our whole heart into what we are doing and we embrace this approach in everything we do. We know this leads to burnout and disappointment. To revitalize our practice, we must be able to separate ourselves from it and revalue the health and wellness of ourselves outside of our passion for the programming we are offering. In this session, we will look at ways to be inspired by who we are and what we believe as passionate people who serve others through the arts rather than serving the arts at the sacrifice of self.
Kathryn Austin, Director/Owner, Centre for Dance & the Performing Arts
Dr. Kathryn White Austin has over 40 years of teaching experience in the private sector, University, public school system, and community education as well as frequent guest teaching, lecture demonstration, artist-in-residencies, and conference presentations to her credit. She is a past recipient of the Outstanding Dance Educator Award for the Private Sector by the National Dance Education Organization and is a former Teacher of the Year and an Arts Teacher of the Year nominee subsequently while teaching in Osceola County. Austin is an active member of several state and national dance organizations and is currently serves on the Board of Directors of the Florida Alliance for Arts in Education and Dance and the Child International-USA. She is one of the founding leaders of the daCi Youth Leadership program. Dr. Austin is also the Chair of NDEO's Mentorship Program for the Independent Sector. She is a Life Member and Fellow of the British Association of Teachers of Dancing, specializing in traditional Scottish Highland and National dances and serves on the Professional Development committee of ScotDanceUSA.