Songs that Tell Tales - Teaching Story Elements through Song

led by: Jeanette Mihalchik

Learn how to use simple songs to illustrate story elements like characters, setting, and plot, seamlessly integrating music into literacy lessons. Take away ready-to-use song-based activities and creative strategies to engage reluctant readers and support struggling students, transforming your reading lessons with the magic of music.


Jeanette Mihalchik, Founder/Coach, More Than Music, LLC

Jeanette Mihalchik (formerly Shorey) is a National Board Certified music teacher with over 25 years of experience. Jeanette is an Arts Integration Specialist, an instructional coach, a National presenter, and an engagement coach. She has studied Arts Integration at The Kennedy Center through their CETA program. Jeanette has presented at conferences nationwide and is the author of resource books, "Stories That Sing" and "Stories That Sing Too!"