Truly Seeing: Creating Inverted Imagery to Enhance Student Efficacy in Observational Drawing
led by: Brian Moody
I noticed my students leaning towards a tendency to draw what they know, rather than what they actually see. I have created two assignments which, when coupled with other technical tools such as gridded image transfer, push the learning artist to rely more fully on what they observe and let go of pre-conceived ideas of what a drawing "should" look like. In my observation, critical thinking, problem solving, collaboration, and self-efficacy are all positively impacted through this assignment. I will present multiple student examples, plus walk the audience through my thought process and the steps needed to make this exercise a success with students.
University Instructor, PK Yonge DRS
Brian Moody holds his Masters in Art Education, and is a Visual Arts teacher at PK Yonge DRS at the University of Florida. He has been an art instructor for 10 years at the high school level.