Yes, And…A Playbook for School-Wide Arts Integration Implementation
led by: Debbi Arseneaux
What does it look like to bring the arts into all subject areas, while also embracing the impact of the arts on their own? This session looks at what it takes to implement arts integration school wide, fully embedded in the requirements and standards of the school day. As a full time Arts Integration Specialist, my role includes planning and coaching with both classroom teachers and arts educators, engaging families in student showcases of learning, and collaborating with community partners. Guided by the foundational principle of improv, “yes, and…” we explore how the key to deeper learning from bell to bell is a both/and approach that taps into the ways students learn in and through the arts. With an emphasis on the science of reading, we look at examples of arts integration in action in a Title 1 public school, invite participants to share their own experiences, and in the spirit of improvisation, we will build on those insights to generate new possibilities to bring back to our schools. This is an interactive, participatory session that will leave attendees energized to go home and break down the walls of an either/or approach to teaching and learning in their own context.
Debbi Arseneaux, Arts Integration Specialist, The Learning Alliance
DEBBI ARSENEAUX is an Arts Integration Specialist and Professional Development Consultant with The Learning Alliance in Vero Beach, FL. She has been a classroom teacher in the Washington DC Public School District and worked as a professional Theatre Director, Stage Manager, Producer and freelance Teaching Artist specializing in Arts Integration in the DC area for over 15 years. She received her BA in Theatre Arts from the College of William & Mary and an Individualized MA from Goddard College focused on arts integration and early literacy.